Live? Die? Kill?
Soon after 9-11 producer Karen Michel moved from a predominantly Puerto Rican neighborhood in Brooklyn to Pleasant Valley, NY.
NA / Karen Michel / , USA

Soon after 9-11 producer Karen Michel moved from a predominantly Puerto Rican neighborhood in Brooklyn to Pleasant Valley, NY.
Overt patriotism wasn't so unusual at the time, but still, Michel wanted to know more about her new flag-flying neighborhood. So she selected sites within a 30-mile radius or a 30-minute drive of her country-suburban home and asked anyone who'd answer three questions: "What do you live for? What would you die for? What would you kill for?" This story distills the responses of more than a hundred interviews into less than a quarter-hour of radio.
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Based in upstate New York, Karen Michel is an independent radio producer who got her start in media as a guest on Art Linkletter's Kids Say the Darndest Things.