Little Black Train
Eighty-two-year-old Daphne Reed is married to and madly in love with a man 30 years her juinor. She's been thinking a lot about death recently, and about the future years her husband will likely spend without her.
2007 / Nora Harrington / Re:sound, USA

Eighty-two-year-old Daphne Reed is married to and madly in love with a man 30 years her juinor. She's been thinking a lot about death recently, and about the future years her husband will likely spend without her.
Producer Nora Harrington talked with Daphne and others about their fears and beliefs about mortality. After her 53-year-old father died, Harrington wondered if becoming more familiar with death would make it easier to deal with. Through a series of brave and deeply personal conversations with elderly friends and her own mother, Harrington comes to understand the value of talking about a subject most choose to avoid.
produced by
Nora Harrington is a recent graduate of Hampshire College, where she studied cultural anthropology, written ethnography, and radio documentary.