Re:sound #269 Lefty Disco
This hour, a mob of rock fans and an erratic limb.
2019 / TCF / 91.5 WBEZ, USA
This hour, a mob of rock fans and an erratic limb.
Disco Demolition Night
by Pat Walters, Julia DeWitt and Emanuele Berry for Undone from Gimlet Media.
One summer night in 1979, thousands of people gathered at a Chicago baseball stadium to put an end to disco once and for all.
by John Roche for Yarn .
John's left leg won't bend to his will.
This episode of Re:sound was produced by Isabel Vázquez.
Glass Boy - Italian Disco Saints
Podington Bear - All Hot Lights
Glass Boy - Lines
Lee Rosevere - Water Fountain
Loyalty Freak Music - Dance Robot ACTIVATE
Monplaisir - The Dog and the Moons
Loyalty Freak Music - Last Energy for the Day
Image by Martin Fisch.
produced by
Pat Walters (@patwalters) is senior editor at Radiolab.
Julia DeWitt (@JuliaDeWitt) is a radio producer and reporter based in Brooklyn.
Emanuele Berry (@Emanuelewithane) is an editor on The Nod and StartUp at Gimlet Media.
John Roche (@YarnStoryPod) is a writer, podcaster and professional designer based in Dublin, Ireland.
Isabel Vázquez (@ifvazquez) is Third Coast's former senior producer. She currently works at Adonde Media.