I Didn't Know That (Hell's Calliope)

Antoinette Jacobson, a sculptor from Norwich, VT, demonstrates her "pyrophone" (fire organ) on a chilly October night on the quad at Colby-Sawyer College in New London NH.

2010 / Hester L Fuller / TCF, USA

Antoinette Jacobson, a sculptor from Norwich, VT, demonstrates her "pyrophone" (fire organ) on a chilly October night on the quad at Colby-Sawyer College in New London NH.

Produced for the 2010 TCF ShortDocs Challenge: Book Odds.

produced by

Hester L Fuller

Hester L. Fuller teaches audio and advises the campus station at Colby-Sawyer College in New London NH. Fuller fell in love with this medium over a 24-hour period starting April 20, 1962 as she burned out the first set of batteries that came with the little transistor radio she got for her 6th birthday.

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