Re:sound #74: The Hospice Show
This hour: a surprising look at the relationship between a hospice worker and his patient.
2007 / TCF / WBEZ 91.5, USA

This hour: a surprising look at the relationship between a hospice worker and his patient.
Hospice Chronicles
by Dan Collison and Elizabeth Meister (Long Haul Productions, 2006)
Over the course of eight months, producers Dan Collison and Elizabeth Meister followed two hopsice volunteers through their training and first assignments in patients' homes. It turns out that the volunteer/patient relationships, like most human interactions, are fraught with pitfalls. Strangers become intimates at a very intense time.
Curve of the Earth
by Stephanie Rowden and Keith Taylor (TC ShortDocs: Dollar Storeys, 2007)
A small bicycle bell rings in a big landscape.
This episode of Re:sound was produced by Roman Mars.
produced by

Together with his life and radio partner Elizabeth Meister, Dan Collison produces audio documentaries and song/stories that detail everyday life in America, work that has consistently garnered radio's top awards.
Elizabeth Meister quit her job at the phone company to volunteer for public radio show This American Life in 1998, when she started their award-winning website in exchange for a chance to learn how to make radio documentaries.

Stephanie Rowden’s work in sound encompasses projects for installation, public art, radio documentary and performance.
Keith Taylor

Roman Mars (@romanmars) is the creator of 99% Invisible , a short radio show about design and architecture.