Hong Kong Song
The sounds of the city resonate as Hong Kong comes to life through audio mosaic and three voices: a traveler remembers, newscasters rattle off facts and statistics, a young woman recalls a legend from her fading childhood.
2010 / Jens Jarisch / Prix Marulic, Germany

The sounds of the city resonate as Hong Kong comes to life through audio mosaic and three voices: a traveler remembers, newscasters rattle off facts and statistics, a young woman recalls a legend from her fading childhood.
Note! Hong Kong Song is produced in German. You can follow along with the (attractively color-coded) English transcript.
Listen to the conference session Jens presented in 2008, The Inner Sound of the Outer World .
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Jens Jarisch has spent half his life in Berlin, where he currently works as an independent producer of one-hour radio documentaries.