Harvey Carne Workout Method, Cassette 6

Welcome to the Harvey Carne Workout Method and Guide to Romance.

2008 / Eric Barkin / Laura Vitale / Tye Pemberton / TCF, USA

Welcome to the Harvey Carne Workout Method and Guide to Romance.

In this next calorie-cutting installment, Harvey shares his patented philosophy and scientific knowledge of body, mind, and fitness to help you sculpt a leaner, more muscular physique guaranteed to turn you into a wolf -- a successful stalker of prey.

Harvey Carne Workout Method, Cassette 6 was produced for the 2008 TCF ShortDocs Challenge: Radio Ephemera.

produced by

Laura Vitale

Laura Vitale is a multimedia artist and sound designer living in Brooklyn, NY.

Tye Pemberton

Tye Pemberton is a fiction writer and MFA candidate at Columbia University. His short work has appeared in the international journal Versal as well as in San Francisco's Watchword. He has also contributed sound installations to Whole Story: After the Flood and for the live performances of Rick Reid's book of experimental poetry, To Be Hung From the Ceiling by Strings of Varying Length.

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