The Ghosts of Fire Island
Fire Island, only sixty miles from New York City, has long served as a safe and vibrant mecca for gay men and women. But in the early 1980's, the haven faced a new and lethal threat.
2014 / Myke Dodge Weiskopf / KCRW , USA

Fire Island, only sixty miles from New York City, has long served as a safe and vibrant mecca for gay men and women. But in the early 1980's, the haven faced a new and lethal threat.
Producer Myke Dodge Weiskopf explores the history and spirit of Fire Island through the voices of those who lived through the HIV/AIDS epidemic, and whose identities were forever transformed.
Learn more about Myke Dodge Weiskopf's journey into the long-guarded memories of Fire Island Behind the Scenes.
Myke Weiskopf's microsite for Fire Island .
The Ghosts of Fire Island as it originally aired on Unfictional .
produced by

Myke Dodge Weiskopf (@mykedotme) is a senior producer at KCRW, and a freelance editor, field recordist, and musician based in Los Angeles.
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