Frozen Alive
Outside Podcast plunges into a night of bitterly cold catastrophes.
2016 / Peter Frick-Wright / Robbie Carver / PRX, USA

Outside Podcast plunges into a night of bitterly cold catastrophes.
You'll face a car accident on a lonely stretch of road, a broken ski binding that foils a backcountry escape, and a slow descent into hypothermia and delirium - all during the 1st installment in Outside Podcast 's "Science of Survival" series. Good luck.
The Outside Podcast is a collaboration between PRX & Outside Magazine , produced by Peter Frick-Wright and Robbie Carver.
Outside Podcast is a collaboration between Outside Magazine and PRX that applies the magazine’s long-standing literary storytelling methods to the audio realm. The podcast’s first series delves into the science of survival in some of nature’s most extreme environments.
Read all about the podcasts's launch and subcribe to Outside Podcast in iTunes.
Did one of Outside Podcast 's producers volunteer to freeze himself in order to make this piece? Seriously? Read all about it in our Behind-the-Scenes interview.
produced by

Peter Frick-Wright is a writer and radio maker from Portland, Oregon.

Robbie Carver is a radio producer from the pacific northwest.
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