Face of Mercy, Face of Hate
Predrag Bundalo was a Serbian fighter in Sarajevo, who everyone called by his nickname, "Gaga." On the eve of his 36th birthday, Gaga stopped to visit an elderly Muslim woman in her apartment.
2001 / Michael Montgomery / Stephen Smith / American RadioWorks, USA

Predrag Bundalo was a Serbian fighter in Sarajevo, who everyone called by his nickname, "Gaga." On the eve of his 36th birthday, Gaga stopped to visit an elderly Muslim woman in her apartment.
He planned to leave the war zone the next day, but never emerged from the apartment alive. Here is the story of what happened to Gaga, or at least what producers Michael Montgomery and Stephen Smith found out about their friend.
Face of Mercy, Face of Hate was produced in 1996 for American RadioWorks.
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Michael Montgomery has worked in national radio, television, and newspapers.
Stephen Smith reports on wide range of international and domestic issues, including international human rights, science and health, race relations and American history.