The End of the World
The idea was to drive around and talk to people about the end of the world. As producer Scott Carrier says, "There's no law against it."
2015 / Scott Carrier / Home of the Brave, USA

The idea was to drive around and talk to people about the end of the world. As producer Scott Carrier says, "There's no law against it."
Over his many-decade career, Scott Carrier has criss-crossed the country numerous times to find out what people are thinking and feeling. These days, he says, Americans are more worried than ever. And they can't even agree on the problems, let alone the solutions. So Scott hit the road with his dog Augie to investigate.
How does Scott divide our culture into different "cosmologies"? And, does he believe it's the end of the world... of radio? Read the Behind-the-Scenes interview.
And... be sure to listen all the way to the end of the piece for some of our favorite credits, ever.
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Scott Carrier (@ScottCarrier57) is a writer, photographer, and Peabody-award winning radio producer. He now produces his own podcast, Home of the Brave .