Decode DC #6: The Future Was Now

In January, 2012, America's digerati pulled off the broadest, most powerful political protest ever orchestrated on the Internet.

2013 / Andrea Seabrook / Lina Misitzis / Decode DC, USA

In January, 2012, America's digerati pulled off the broadest, most powerful political protest ever orchestrated on the Internet.

One year later, DecodeDC revisits the furor that surrounded the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and asks: "What happened? And what next?"

DecodeDC is hosted by NPR-veteran Andrea Seabrook and produced by Lina Misitzis with technical support from Peter Seabrook. The podcast regularly deciphers Washington's language and procedure so listeners can focus on what matters: the U.S. capital's (and capitol's) most compelling and important stories.

Andrea Seabrook reflects on her experience building a new podcast from the ground-up, Behind the Scenes.

produced by

Lina Misitzis

Lina Misitzis (@lmisitzis) is a producer & reporter at This American Life , and is creating a new podcast with comedians Nick Kroll and John Mulaney. She spent the past few years making The Last Days of August and The Butterfly Effect with Jon Ronson. Her 2019 Breakout Session will be about porn, including a conversation with Sydney Leathers.

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