
While the Internet is teeming with storytelling portals - including the one you're on right now - some rise above the rest: in quality, spirit, and ambition.

2012 / Annie Correal / Jordan Bower / The Internet, USA

While the Internet is teeming with storytelling portals - including the one you're on right now - some rise above the rest: in quality, spirit, and ambition.

Enter..., a growing community of storytellers, focused on a deeper, more personal kind of storytelling than you may find elsewhere online. Cowbird's mostly filled with images and words, but slowly and surely, audio stories are gaining ground. Not that it's a competition, but it's good to hear more sounds and voices in the mix, like Man With Thirteen Fingers, a short and energetic tale, in which Canadian traveler Jordan Bower meets an unusual man on the streets of India.

Be sure to click on EXTRA below to hear a few more audio stories from Cowbird, and to read an interview with content manager Annie Correal that will help guide you through the glorious maze of stories on Then request an invitation to join Cowbird and start sharing your own stories.

produced by

Annie Correal

Annie Correal (@anniecorreal) is a staff reporter at The New York Times, where she has contributed coverage to the Metro, National and International reports.

Jordan Bower

Jordan Bower is a Canadian storyteller exploring cross-cultural relationships in the globalizing world. His recent projects include a photography exhibition featuring portraits of Indians and Nepalis that was displayed in the advertising space inside a Toronto public streetcar as part of the 2010 CONTACT Photography Festival. He is currently developing a book and multimedia exhibition to retell the story of his 1,800 mile walking journey down the West Coast of the USA, seeking insight about love and coming of age.

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