The Cabinet of Animosities
The things we give, the things we treasure, and the things we fling at each other when it all goes wrong.
2014 / Cathy FitzGerald / BBC Radio 4, UK

The things we give, the things we treasure, and the things we fling at each other when it all goes wrong.
The Museum of Broken Relationships in Zagreb exhibits objects left behind at the end of love affairs. Shared belongings, mementos and gifts that are no longer wanted - or are wanted too much. Cathy FitzGerald takes us on a tour of this (real!) museum collection and introduces us to the broken-hearted lovers who have donated objects from all around the world.
Speaking of tours - in a very special and photo-filled EXTRA, Cathy and her producing partner Matt Thompson guide us on a journey through their creative relationship. Be prepared to... frumble.
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Cathy FitzGerald (@cathyfitzg) is an award-winning writer and producer.
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