Re:sound #69: The Body Image Show
This hour: a very personal take on a rare subculture, a young man forced to confront his obesity, a dinner with unabashed nudists, and more.
2007 / TCF / WBEZ 91.5, USA

This hour: a very personal take on a rare subculture, a young man forced to confront his obesity, a dinner with unabashed nudists, and more.
by Kath Duncan (Radio Eye, ABC, 1999)
Wannabes, in this case, refers to people who feel abnormal in their bodies -- so much so that they voluntarily disable themselves. Producer Kath Duncan, who was born physically disabled, takes an admittedly personal interest in this story.
Saying Goodbye to Food
by Rocky Tayeh and Kaari Pitkin (WNYC's Radio Rookies, 2007)
In 2003, when we first met Rocky Tayeh, he was a teenager and he weighed over 500 pounds. He had just produced his first radio story, My Struggle With Obesity, for WNYC's Radio Rookies. The honesty and bluntness of Rocky's story endeared him to a wide audience. But fame isn't the only change in Rocky's life, as you're about to hear.
War News Radio: Young at War (excerpt)
by Elizabeth Threlkeld (War News Radio, 2006)
Elizabeth Threlkeld found two girls in Iraq for whom body image and plastic surgery have become extremely important, albeit for two very different reasons.
Naked Dinner
by Gwen Macsai
Now we've come to our last story of the hour, a story not about body consciousness but the lack of body consciousness. Or the attempt at lack of body consciousness. While naked. In a restaurant. Standing next to other people. In the buffet line.
This episode of Re:sound was produced by Roman Mars.
produced by
Kath Duncan is a 50-something writer, activist and raconteur with many decades of feminist and disability pride under her belt. Kath works in social media, and has a background in journalism and teaching communications.
Rocky Tayeh is a college student living with his eight siblings and parents in Brooklyn's Park Slope neighborhood.

Kaari Pitkin (@kaaripitkin) is the Senior Producer of WNYC's Radio Rookies.
Elizabeth Threlkeld is a Foreign Service Officer with the U.S. Department of State.

Gwen Macsai is an award-winning radio producer, writer, and host.

Roman Mars (@romanmars) is the creator of 99% Invisible , a short radio show about design and architecture.