Best of the Best 2017 (Part 2)
This hour, some of the winners of our annual Third Coast/Richard H. Driehaus Foundation Competition, including the Best Documentary: Gold Award winner.
2017 / TCF, USA

This hour, some of the winners of our annual Third Coast/Richard H. Driehaus Foundation Competition, including the Best Documentary: Gold Award winner.
The Discussion — Best New Artist
by Rosa Gollan for PocketDocs from ABC Radio National
For some friends there's no subject too secret, or content too confronting. Rosa and Ryan have that kind of friendship. But five years after they first met, Rosa realized there was still one discussion left to have, and it wasn't going to be easy.
Los Cassettes del Exilio — Best Foreign Language Award
by Dennis Maxwell for Radio Ambulante
For much of Dennis Maxwell’s childhood, his father was living in exile, communicating with the family via cassette tapes. Dennis found those tapes recently and discovered the true impact of his father’s exile.
The Accidental Gay Parents, Part 5 — Best Documentary: Honorable Mention Award
by Hillary Frank with Kristen Clark and Abigail Keel for The Longest Shortest Time from Stitcher
This is the story of what it’s like to be a pregnant man, and to share that news with your parents, your children, and the world.
S-Town — Directors' Choice Award
by Brian Reed and Julie Snyder
S-Town is a podcast that starts as a traditional investigation into corruption and wrongdoing in rural Alabama that becomes something much newer and stranger: a literary profile of one man’s life.
The Traffic Stop — Best Documentary: Gold Award
by Tracy Mumford with Hans Buetow, reported by Jon Collins and Riham Feshir, for 74 Seconds forMinnesota Public Radio and American Public Media.
On July 6, 2016, Philando Castile was pulled over by Officer Jeronimo Yanez for a broken brake light. How did a routine traffic stop turn fatal in less than two minutes? We break down what happened that night, second by second.
This hour of Best of the Best was produced by Dennis Funk.
Music for Best of the Best was provided by Patient Sounds, a private-press record label and book publisher in Chicago.
produced by

Rosa Gollan (@rosa_gol) started out at ABC's Radio National where she cut her teeth as a part of the Creative Audio Unit.

Dennis Maxwell (@dennistmaxwell) was born in Santiago, Chile, and the first significant present he received as a boy was a camera. At that moment Dennis began to dedicate himself to capturing images. Later on, he started telling stories.

Hillary Frank (@hillaryfrank) is the creator and executive producer of The Longest Shortest Time, the parenting show for everyone.

Kristen Clark is an associate producer for The Longest Shortest Time .

Abigail Keel (she/her) is a freelance audio producer and reporter. She spent seven years at Stitcher, most recently as a senior producer for Witness Docs.

Brian Reed is the host and co-creator of S-Town , as well as the senior producer of This American Life .

Julie Snyder is the co-creator of S-Town and Serial.

Tracy Mumford (@mumfordmumford) is a producer for Minnesota Public Radio and the podcast 74 Seconds .

Hans Buetow (@hansbuetow) is a Senior Producer with American Public Media, where he develops and produces podcasts.

Riham Feshir (@RihamFeshir) is a reporter at Minnesota Public Radio and co-host of the podcast 74 Seconds .

Jon Collins (@Jonscollins) is a reporter for Minnesota Public Radio News and co-host of the 74 Seconds podcast.

Dennis Funk was formerly Third Coast's senior producer.