Best of the Best 2015 (Hour 1)

The 2015 Third Coast Festival Broadcast, featuring the winners of our annual competition.

2015 / TCF / WBEZ 91.5, USA

The 2015 Third Coast Festival Broadcast, featuring the winners of our annual competition.

Re:sound's Gwen Macsai hosts Best of the Best: The 2015 Third Coast Festival Broadcast, showcasing the best radio stories of the year - winners of the 2015 TC / Richard H. Driehaus Foundation Competition.

In this hour, you'll hear: Mayday Mayday (Best New Artist), Betrayed by Silence (Radio Impact Award), Structural Integrity (Best Documentary: Bronze Award), Britney (Skylarking Award) and The Living Room (Director's Choice Award).

To find out more about all of the winning producers, click on EXTRA. We also invite you to listen to Hour 2 of Best of the Best, featuring the Best Documentary: Gold Award winner.

This episode of Re:sound was produced by Dennis Funk

produced by

Becky Ripley

Becky Ripley (@Becky_Ripley) won the 2015 Best New Artist Award in the TC/RHDF Competition for Mayday Mayday, the first piece she ever produced.

Sasha Aslanian

Sasha Aslanian (@sashaaslanian) is a correspondent for MPR News and served as producer for the year-long investigation of the Twin Cities Archdiocese.

Sam Greenspan

Sam Greenspan (@samlistens) is the creator and host of BELLWETHER, a podcast of speculative journalism. At the 2019 Third Coast Conference, Sam will be part of a Panel Discussion all about new methods of intertwining documentary, fiction & story for - dare we say it - even truer stories.

Briana Breen

Briana Breen (@brianabreen) is a radio and podcast producer, researcher, writer and event producer based in San Francisco.

Brendan Baker

Brendan Baker (@BrendanPBaker) specializes in creative editing and sound design for highly-crafted radio and podcast productions.

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