Bartolo's Journey
Bartolo crossed the U.S. border alone… when he was just 16 years old.
2017 / Erika Beras / PRI's The World, USA

Bartolo crossed the U.S. border alone… when he was just 16 years old.
From there, Bartolo found a below-minimum wage job at a restaurant, a solitary mattress to sleep on, and began sending small amounts of money back to his family in Guatemala. Bartolo’s Journey reflects many of the struggles undocumented youth endure when they arrive in the U.S. alone. But when Bartolo discovered a mysterious growth on his back, he was forced to seek help, going face-to-face with the system that could deport him.
In order to tell his story, producer Erika Beras had to gain Bartolo’s trust - and figure out how to tell his complicated story of immigration. Find out more about Erika’s process, including her time at the Third Coast Radio Residency, Behind-the-Scenes.
Bartolo's Journey was produced by Erika Beras and edited by Jeb Sharp for PRI's The World.
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Erika Beras (@Erika_Beras) is a reporter on the Wealth and Poverty Desk for Marketplace Business News.
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