A Lucky Wind

Do we live in a world where there is magic and meaning, or is it all just chance?

Best Documentary: Honorable Mention2009 Third Coast / Richard H. Driehaus Foundation Competition

2009 / Jad Abumrad / Soren Wheeler / Radiolab, USA

Do we live in a world where there is magic and meaning, or is it all just chance?

Radiolab hosts Jad Abumrad and Robert Krulwich explore this question by meeting two young women who share a nearly unbelievable story of coincidence and fate. Then they consult with statisticians to get a very different take on the same story.

A Lucky Wind won a Best Documentary: Honorable Mention Award in the 2009 Third Coast / Richard H. Driehaus Foundation Competition. The story was produced with co-host and consulting editor, Robert Krulwich.

produced by

Jad Abumrad

Jad Abumrad (@JadAbumrad), is a Peabody Award-winning producer and 2011 MacArthur Fellow, is the creator and co-host of WNYC's Radiolab .

Soren Wheeler

Soren Wheeler (@SorenWheeler) is the Senior Producer at Radiolab, where he plays a variety of roles, including producer, editor, and reporter.

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