2013 ShortDocs Winners
We have winners!
2013 / Alix Blair / Jenny Asarnow / Kelly Jones / Mary T. Diorio Schilling / Sam Agee / Third Coast Festival, USA, CAN

We have winners!
The 2013 Third Coast ShortDocs Challenge (SDC), a collaboration with the James Beard Foundation, invited anyone and everyone to produce short audio stories inspired by "appetite," presented in three courses, and featuring one of the five tastes in the title: bitter, salty, sour, sweet, umami. (Check out how the tastes break down across submissions, Behind the Scenes.)
The SDC attracted ~240 submissions from 12 countries. Eight finalists were selected and voted upon for the first-ever People's ShortDoc Award, which was won by Blackbird Pot Pie: Not the Pie Umami Made, by Mary T. Diorio Schilling. (posted above)
Four other winners were chosen by Third Coast and JBF staff:
My Umami Gas Mask
by Sam Agee / Boulder, CO
Salt on the Lips
by Jenny Asarnow / Seattle, WA
The Last Morning was a Sweet One
by Alix Blair / Carrboro, NC
Sel: Trois Façons (Salt: Three Ways)
by Kelly Jones / Guelph, Canada
All five winners will be presented October 19 at the Third Coast Filmless Festival, along with the unique dishes they've inspired from our fabulous ShortDocs Chefs: Rick Bayless (Frontera), Abraham Conlon (Fat Rice), Jason Hammel (Lula Cafe), Paula Haney (Hoosier Mama Pie Company) and Iliana Regan (Elizabeth Restaurant).
The people have listened! Read comments from voters who weighed in on the People's ShortDoc Award, Behind the Scenes.
produced by

Alix Blair (@axablair) is an independent audio producer, photographer, and documentary filmmaker.

Jenny Asarnow (they/them) is an award-winning editor, producer and educator whose work has been featured internationally in podcasts, radio and museums.

Kelly Jones is an expat, making radio and teaching in Canada - but she still really just wants to be an astronaut.

Mary T. Diorio Schilling is an independent audio producer who hails from Philadelphia and a tiny village in southwestern New Jersey.
Sam Agee works with words and sound in Colorado.
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