2018 Provocations
Join us on the opening night of Third Coast for Late Night Provocations: a series of short talks from producers who hope to dare and ignite.

Join us on the opening night of Third Coast for Late Night Provocations: a series of short talks from producers who hope to dare and ignite.
What exactly do we mean by provocations? Imagine that you’re hashing out an issue you care deeply about in audio with a friend - except this time, we're all together at Third Coast. Don’t be afraid to get shaken up.
Introducing the 2018 Third Coast Provocateurs: Stan Alcorn, Stacia Brown, Eula Scott Bynoe & Jeannie Yandel, Alex Laughlin, Ryan Natoli, Aliya Pabani & Sam Sanders .
And featuring the one-and-only Lu Olkowski.

Stan Alcorn (He/Him) is an award-winning investigative reporter, producer and editor based in Colombia and the United States.

Stacia (she/her) is a writer and audio producer whose work has been featured in BBC 4’s Short Cuts, Slate, The Washington Post, The New York Times, and The New Republic.

Eula Scott Bynoe (@EulaScottBynoe) & Jeannie Yandel (@jeannieyandel) are co-hosts of Battle Tactics for Your Sexist Workplace from KUOW in Seattle.

Alex Sujong Laughlin (@alexlaughs) (she/her) is a writer and audio producer.

Ryan Natoli (@TheRealNatoli) is the director of A Very Fatal Murder and video director at The Onion.

Aliya Pabani (@aliyapabani) is a Toronto-based freelance audio producer and artist and former host of The Imposter, an arts and culture podcast from Canadaland. Aliya is a member of the 2019 Community Advisory Group & co-facilitator of the 2019 BYOP (Build Your Own Production) Meetup, a radical-resource-and-strategy sharing with the goal of better supporting your production process.

Sam Sanders is a reporter and host of It's Been a Minute with Sam Sanders at NPR.

Lu Olkowski (@luolkowski) is an independent radio producer based in Brooklyn.

Emily Kennedy (@emilyseagrave) is Third Coast's co-director.

Maya Goldberg-Safir (@mayags)(she/her) has led Third Coast alongside Co-Director Emily Kennedy since September of 2021.