Not by Choice

A collection of stories about refugees.
A refugee is someone who has been forced to flee his or her country because of persecution, war, or violence. Often leaving much of their lives behind, including friends, family, and much of what they owned… refugees start lives anew in a foreign country. But it’s not easy to find a country with open arms, and it’s getting harder by the day. From the Third Coast library, stories of those who made it, and others who didn’t.

The Lemon Tree
Bashir was six during the height of the 1948 Arab-Israeli war, when his family was forced to flee his stone home in old Palestine and live as refugees in the West Bank town of Ramallah.
- 1998
- 41:23
- Sandy Tolan

Re:sound #108: The Here and There Show
This hour: here, there, and in-between.
Children of Sodom and Gomorrah
Sodom and Gomorrah is a hellish place in Accra, Ghana, where children eke out a living on a scrap heap of discarded computers that the West no longer needs.
- 2011
- 52:35
- Jens Jarisch
- Sharon Davis

And I Walked...Stories From the Border
Much of the Sonoran desert between Tucson and Mexico is a haunting wasteland of discarded shoes, shirts, and empty plastic water jugs, discarded by desparate illegal immigrants who risk their lives as they cross the desert from Mexico into the United States in search of better-paying jobs.
- 2003
- 06:05
- Ann Heppermann
- Kara Oehler

Re:sound #172 The Abandoned At Sea Show
This hour: the story of a harrowing journey on the Mediterranean Sea that started with high hopes and ended in tragedy.
- 2013
- 01:02:01
- Sharon Davis
- Geoff Parish
- Sean Mullervy
- Katie Mingle